Cheddar-Filled Beef Rolls ombine the meat, bread crumbs, barbecue sauce, egg and salt, blending well. Pat the meat mixture into a 14 X 8-inch rectangle on foil or waxed paper. Combine the cheddar cheese, bread crumbs, green pe [view it...] |
Eggplants or aubergines stir-fried with seasonings. *
Prepare eggplants by strip-cutting it into short, chip-size pieces. Skin can be left on or peeled off depending on preferences.
Cut soaked red chilies into two or three s [view it...] |
Zucchetti Gratin aute onions in butter, ad zucchetti on high heat, ad garlic salt & pepper. pour in buttered baking pan ad raw tomatoe dices on top, ad breadcrumbs pour tomatosauce over it, cheese on top and bake in 3 [view it...] |
24 Hour Vegetable Salad * Place salad greens in a 2 1/2- to 3-quart clear straight-sided bowl or souffle dish. Peel carrot. Using vegetable peeler carefully cut carrots into long, paper-thin ribbons. Set aside. Layer atop [view it...] |
A Big Bowl of Red * MAKES 4 TO 6 SERVINGS. VEGAN
* This chili exhibits the quintessential qualities of traditional chili without the meat. It is thick, highly seasoned and very satisfying.
* Heat oil in la [view it...] |
A tangy and spicy okra dish. *
Wash lentils thoroughly and put in a saucepan with just enough water to cover, then bring to a boil and cook until soft but not mushy, drain and set aside.
Heat oil in a [view it...] |
asparagus w/ orange butter sauce Combine butter, orange rind, and juice in saucepan; bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until mixture is reduced by half and slightly thickened, stirring occasionally. Set aside and keep warm. Sna [view it...] |
B.B.Q. Vegetables ut cleaned vegetables in diagonal slices, add olive oil, grill shortly on BBQ season with salt and pepper, place on serving dish over salad (add parmesamo slices, optional) sprinkle with lime juice.view it...] |
Barbecued Vegetables * 1. In a screw top jar combine the marinade ingredients together, shaking well.
* 2. Brush the vegetables with the marinade and leave to one side for at least half an hour to enable the flavo [view it...] |
Barbecued Vegetables with Peanut Sauce * Peanut sauce: Add all the spices and peanuts, water, salt and sugar.
* Keep stirring into a thick and tasty sauce.
* Clean and rinse the vegetables and cut into bite sized pieces. Mix v [view it...] |