Greek Chicken Pie (Kotopita) Boil the chicken in salted water with the onion until tender, making sure that a cupful of the chicken broth remains at the end of boiling
# Remove the chicken and when cooled, remove skin and bone [view it...] |
.Bean soup oak the beans for 12 hours. Wash them well and place them in a deep saucepan. Boil them for 20 minutes. Chop the onion, the carrots and the celery, mash the tomatoes and add all of them in the saucepa [view it...] |
Almond rolls repare the dough by mixing all the appropriate ingredients. Mould until an elastic dough is prepared. Then roll out the dough and make a thin filo sheet. Mix all the ingredients for the filling. Then [view it...] |
Almond sweet eat the egg yolks. Mix them with sugar and almonds and knead. Seperate the dough in two pieces. Roll out each part of the dough and place in two seperate buttered baking pans. When baked, baste with m [view it...] |
Almond sweets from Lesvos ix with a blender the sugar with the almond kernel. Gradually add the rosewater and continue mixing until the mixture becomes a unified pulp. Shape the mixture into different shapes coat with icing su [view it...] |
Ancient Bean soup oak the beans in water over night. Then boil them in a little water for 5 minutes. Take the pressure cooker off the heat and cover for 1 hour. Pour the beans and bay leaf into the beef broth and slowl [view it...] |
Ancient cooked tuna eat the oil in a large saucepan and saute the leeks and the celery until soft. Add the herbs, the cucumber, the water, and the wine. Mix well and put the tuna slices on top of the vegetables. Cover th [view it...] |
Ancient Fruit Salad ut the melon in half and carefully remove the flesh and cut into small pieces. Mix the melon with the rest of the cut fruit, the almonds and the grapes and fill the melon skins with this mixture. On a [view it...] |
Ancient Greek Fish with coriander reheat the oven in 190 C. Place the coriander seeds in a baking pan and bake them for 10 minutes. Let them coo for some minutes. Mash them with a mortar together with the salt. Drain the fish steaks a [view it...] |
Ancient Greek Gilt - head bream with cheese and oil lean the fish and scrape the scales carefully. Remove head and tail. Mash the cheese and beat it in a mixer with the olive oil. Baste a baking pan with oil and place the fish into it. Spread half of t [view it...] |